SuperHero Kita
BoBoiBoy is a Malaysian animated series produced by Animonsta Studios, centers around a boy who has superpower and able to separate into three. With his friends, Ying, Yaya and Gopal, they fight to protect the earth from alien threats to conquer the Earth to hunt down for cocoa beans.
BoBoiBoy series published in HDTV format, and is scheduled to broadcast over TV3 began on 13 March 2011, and on Disney Channel Asia from 18 June 2011.
Season one (2011)
The first season of BoBoiBoy was aired on Sunday, 7.00 pm. The episode started when the main character, BoBoiBoy went to Tok Aba's (BoBoiBoy's grandfather) home in Rintis Island (Pulau Rintis) during school holidays. On the same time, Adu Du, an alien from planet of Atata Tiga came to Earth, searching for energy resources. He found out that there was a powerful energy - cocoa, which was extinct on his planet 30,000 years ago. Adu Du wanted to conquer all the cocoa for himself, so that he could be a hero for his planet. In order to make sure his plan succeed, he got help from Energy Ball (Ochobot). However, Ochobot gave power to BoBoiBoy and his new friends, Ying, Yaya and Gopal.
For the first season there are 13 slots with every slot consisting of two episodes. This make total of 26 episodes all together. Each episode lasts for 11 minutes. Because of popularity of this animation, Animonsta Studios agreed to air an additional episode named "Extended Finale Episode" (Episode 27 and Episode 28) on 1 January 2012.
Season two (2012)
Season 2 of BoBoiBoy will be premiering on May 27, 2012.
In this season, BoBoiBoy move to Rintis Island to unite with Tok Aba (his grandfather), Gopal, Ying and Yaya. The story in this season mainly centers around BoBoiBoy and his friends at school, Sekolah Rendah Pulau Rintis ( lit. Rintis Island Primary School). BoBoiBoy meets new challenger, Fang at his new school.
Fang or Mystery Boy was first introduced in Season 1 on "Extended Finale 1" (Episode 26 with addition of a few minutes of scene on BoBoiBoy leaving Rintis Island).
My Favourite TAGBOARD
Put You Shoutmix Here ! (maximum 240px width)
Yaya & Ying
Thanks to them
Anis, Shita, Edok
(Malay Language : Nur Fathiah Diaz / English language : Wong Wai Kay)
The protagonist of the series. BoBoiBoy has 3 powers of the 3 elements, Tanah-Gempa (Earth-Earthquake), Angin-Taufan (Wind-Cyclone) and Petir-Halilintar (Lightning-Storm). His greatest power is power of three that able BoBoiBoy to separate into three where him and each one of his clones can control each element.
Season Finale Poster (2011)
(Wong Wai Kay )
He was first introduced in the "Extended Finale Episode" (First Season). Has the ability to manipulate shadow but only in the presence of sunlight. BoBoiBoy does not like Fang because of his arrogance and ill temper. Fang on the other hand does not like BoBoiBoy due to his jealousy on BoBoiBoy which was triggered by gossips of his classmates in the class since he moved to Rintis Island, although BoBoiBoy has just moved back to Rintis Island six months later.
(Malay Language : Yap Ee Jean / English language : Chan Su Ling)
She is kind to all of his friends especially to Yaya. Just like BoboiBoy, she is also shy. Can accelerate with incredible speed (just like the Flash), but will lose her power when sneezing.
(Malay Language : Sarah Alisya Zainal Rashid / English language : Fairuz Arfa Ariff Shah)
Yaya, like her friends, is very kind but she can easily gets angry (Season 1 Episode 1 and Episode 6). She likes to sell cookies but does not know how to make delicious ones. The biscuits that she sells make people faint. Possesses the ability to fly in the air and heavy lifting (like Superman )
Gopal / Gopal Kumar
(Dzubir Mohammed Zakaria)
Can turn anything into food items simply by touching it, but only with feels of fear.but once,he can turn it back into normal(bubbles of dream)as ordered by Papa Zola
Adu Du / Encik Bos / Mister Boss
(Anas Abdul Aziz)
The antagonist of this series, from Ata Tatiga, was sent by the imperial to carry out missions such as invading Earth for cocoa which is considered by people as a valuable commodity.
Probe/A.R. Probe
Probe / A.R. Probe
(Anas Abdul Aziz)
The robot prototype created by Adu Du which is his sidekick to defeat BoBoiBoy and can turn himself to Super Probe, Super Auntie Probe and Super Duper Probe.
Tok Aba
(Muhammad Anas Abdul Aziz)
BoBoiBoy's grandfather. He has a cocoa shop that serves cocoa drinks.
(Muhammad Fathi Diaz)
The robot created by Adu Du and generated by the power of cocoa, but fell into the BoBoiBoy's hands once activated. It gives power to BoBoiBoy and his friends, as well as a helper in Tok Aba's Cocoa Shop.
Papa Zola / Mr.Papa
(Nizam Razak)
Fictional superhero that comes out of the video game to real world. He takes Gopal as his student for a while. In the fan mail episode, Computer said that he failed every single interview for a job. In Season 2, he becomes a Physical Education and Mathematics teacher in Sekolah Rendah Pulau Rintis (lit. Rintis Island Primary School).
(Yvonne Chong Shin Vun)
Computer analysis of the spacecship of Adu Du.
Multi-Monster Appearance: Episode 3, Season 1
(Muhammad Anas Abdul Aziz)
Creatures that can be fragmented into multiple pieces, created by Adu Du to beat BoBoiBoy, but later defected and is willing to help BoBoiBoy and friends when in trouble.
This is my friends
Hey Hye :)
Name : Anis Suhaila Binti Shamsul(Anis)
Study : Politeknik Melaka (PMK)
Age : Sweet 9teen ^^
Name : Fatihah Nadirah Binti Ayob (Edok)
Study : Politeknik Melaka (PMK)
Age : 19y/o takde nak sweet2 ni.. HAHA ;P
Name : Nurmashitah Binti Md Isa (Shita)
Study : Politeknik Melaka (PMK)
Age : 19y/o :)
SuperHero Kita
BoBoiBoy is a Malaysian animated series produced by Animonsta Studios, centers around a boy who has superpower and able to separate into three. With his friends, Ying, Yaya and Gopal, they fight to protect the earth from alien threats to conquer the Earth to hunt down for cocoa beans.
BoBoiBoy series published in HDTV format, and is scheduled to broadcast over TV3 began on 13 March 2011, and on Disney Channel Asia from 18 June 2011.
Season one (2011)
The first season of BoBoiBoy was aired on Sunday, 7.00 pm. The episode started when the main character, BoBoiBoy went to Tok Aba's (BoBoiBoy's grandfather) home in Rintis Island (Pulau Rintis) during school holidays. On the same time, Adu Du, an alien from planet of Atata Tiga came to Earth, searching for energy resources. He found out that there was a powerful energy - cocoa, which was extinct on his planet 30,000 years ago. Adu Du wanted to conquer all the cocoa for himself, so that he could be a hero for his planet. In order to make sure his plan succeed, he got help from Energy Ball (Ochobot). However, Ochobot gave power to BoBoiBoy and his new friends, Ying, Yaya and Gopal.
For the first season there are 13 slots with every slot consisting of two episodes. This make total of 26 episodes all together. Each episode lasts for 11 minutes. Because of popularity of this animation, Animonsta Studios agreed to air an additional episode named "Extended Finale Episode" (Episode 27 and Episode 28) on 1 January 2012.
Season two (2012)
Season 2 of BoBoiBoy will be premiering on May 27, 2012.
In this season, BoBoiBoy move to Rintis Island to unite with Tok Aba (his grandfather), Gopal, Ying and Yaya. The story in this season mainly centers around BoBoiBoy and his friends at school, Sekolah Rendah Pulau Rintis ( lit. Rintis Island Primary School). BoBoiBoy meets new challenger, Fang at his new school.
Fang or Mystery Boy was first introduced in Season 1 on "Extended Finale 1" (Episode 26 with addition of a few minutes of scene on BoBoiBoy leaving Rintis Island).